Cairo International Film Festival (CIFF) announced the signing of a joint Protocol of Cooperation with China Media Group to enhance cooperation and exchange in cinema-related areas, development of joint content on international films in both countries, as well as sharing views, and exchange of artistic and cultural expertise, professional guests, films, and juries in light of CIFF’s keenness on consolidating its enlightening role of openness to prestigious and updated institutions.
The Protocol of Cooperation was signed by President of Cairo International Film Festival, actor Hussein Fahmy, and Chinese Minister Xin Hi Xiong, member of the Central Committee of the Chinse Communist Party and President of China Media Group, and head of the Film and Cinema Sector.
This Protocol is intended to create a mechanism that will be aligned with the rules and regulations of the festival to encourage mutual visits, as well as organize cinema symposia and field trips between the two sides, in addition to selecting films that will be featured in exhibitions, competitions, and cinema festivals organized by both sides, especially films by young film directors.
The two sides will also nominate and invite celebrated professionals in the field of cinema to serve as members of the jury, and as special guests in the festivals that are organized by both sides, in addition to holding screenings of films selected by each side.
It has also been agreed to encourage major cinema companies and institutions in both countries to take part in the events held by each side whether through online or physical attendance at the festivals’ venues.
President of Cairo International Film Festival, actor Hussein Fahmy said that this protocol is considered one of the areas of international cooperation by CIFF in making way for the exchange of expertise in order to interact with diverse media and cinematic entities from different cultures and civilizations in the world foremost among which is China.
CIFF director film critic, Essam Zakarea, on his part said that this protocol allows CIFF to have more space to be featured on the map of the China Media Group, which is one of the world’s renowned global media blocks as it comprises 51 TV stations, in addition to the Film and Cinema Sector which will serve as a platform for cooperation between celebrated filmmakers and the festival by sending their films, and selecting films from Cairo to premiere at cinema festivals in China.
Essam added, exchanging expertise is of the utmost importance for the development and advancement of the festival industry, since it brings together two of the most well-established entities in the cinema industry namely Egypt and China.
This Protocol is also signed in celebration of the Egyptian-Chinese year of friendship in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy and the Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism.
In the presence of Sherif Fathi, Minister Antiquities and Tourism, Hussein Zein, Chairman of the National Media Authority, and Liao Liqiang, Chinese Ambassador to Egypt, Omar Al-Qadi, head of the Tourism Promotion Authority, and Naila Farouk, head of Egyptian Television.